Unlikely trivia

According to the Trivia section:

"In a scene early in the film, Anna is seen walking through an open-air market. While this scene was being filmed, an airplane passed over the set, creating a low hum on the soundtrack. Composer Bernard Herrmann was instructed to compose an accompanying score that would obscure the airplane motor. He used low gongs."

This sounds like a Hollywood myth. Such an exterior scene would almost certainly have been shot MOS (silent), with all the various sounds dubbed in later in postproduction. If any noise had interfered with an actor's lines spoken on-camera, either the director would have shot another take or the actors would have re-recorded (looped) their dialogue. The use of gongs or any other musical instrument for that particular scene was probably strictly a matter of artistic choice.

All the universe . . . or nothingness. Which shall it be, Passworthy? Which shall it be?
