Irony of the movie
As we know, the movie was made during the spring and summer of 1945 and then released to the theaters in the fall...after the War was over. Originally conceived by Spig Weid and John Ford to remind American movie audiences how far the US Navy had come...from a handful of PT boats in the Philippines and a few aircraft carriers to a massive 2 ocean armada with 24 aircraft carriers, new fast battleships and hundreds of cruisers and destroyers. All in a few short years.
But the irony of the movie, known only to a few in the Navy and the Pentagon at the time, was that after the war was over...and probably when this movie was first screened in theaters...that the US Navy brass had decided that the celebrated PTs were obsolete. Worthless. The boats in the Western Pacific theater were brought to Samar in the Philippines, stripped of salvageable equipment...and burned. A few were left Stateside and some were saved there...but the combat vessels, used against the Japanese, were obliterated.
A pity.