the enchanted cottage(1945)

where can i get this movie !!!??? i want to get it for my sister for xmas .. id also like a copy for myself >! i love this movie!!! can anyone help ?? was it ever on VHS ? .. or soon to be on DVD ?...... any help would be greatly appreciated ! i think it was just on TCM .. last night or night before at 2 am .. and i tried get info from them ... NO LUCK ! : (


Here on the IMDB, if a movie is available for sale with there will be a link to the page in a box at the top right of the main page for the movie. The VHS version is for sale here:

I just now watched this movie on TV. It was wonderful! I've never heard of it before, and I enjoyed it very much!



This movie was available at one time on VHS through Turner Classic Movies (check but BEWARE...this version omits 2 very important scenes! If you see one from the original studio that released it, get that one, otherwise, forget it.

Look for a print that runs the full 92 minutes as opposed to Turner's 78 minutes. It is not available on DVD that I know of right now, but if Turner releases it, just remember that Turner is notoriously edit-happy, and odds are you won't get the movie as originally released and/or intended by the artists.

Always check run times against a reliable movie resource, like "Leonard Maltin's Movie & Video Guide." This goes for any Turner cartoons too!
