It was pretty funny, all the intrusive lines in the script, of people saying she's "homely" -- like the little boy near the beginning of the film, etc. I think the boy said it twice. If they'd picked an actress who TRULY looked "homely," there would have been no need for characters to make reference to her homeliness. In a narrative, showing the audience something is always better than telling the audience...but being Hollywood, they had to go with someone with, I guess, unconventional looks, and "dirty" her up with a lack of makeup, not fixing her hair, etc. You saw the same thing with Olivia DeHavilland in "The Heiress"...that character was supposed to be plain at best, ugly at worst, but the only problem is that she was Olivia DeHavilland! She too did her best with that role, like Ms. McGuire did, by being soft-spoken and shy. Hollywood wasn't casting Hedy Lamarr types in these roles, but McGuire and DeHavilland are pretty people by any reasonable measure....