I think it's possible, but significantly trickier to do it these days for a variety of reasons affecting both style and plots. None of the obstacles are insurmountable, but there are enough to put off most film makers.
I remember a reasonable number of Film Noirs that invoked the scientific knowledge and technological innovations of the time. "The Naked city" was almost a procedural and I recall Mike Hammer in "Kiss Me Deadly" owning an answering machine, which until I saw that I didn't even realise existed back in 1955. Also IIRC they had a sound activated recorder in "Sudden Fear". Science in itself isn't a huge obstacle, though I do think mobile phones and the internet will complicate things somewhat (and "out of signal" is always a winner there).
I will not be pushed, filed, stamped, indexed, briefed, debriefed or numbered. My life is my own.