
So he opened the car door, and he fell out and hit his head on a rock? Wow...
How stupid must one be to open up a door like that when a person is sleeping against it?

And why didn't he wake up when the rain poured down?

So this is supposed to be a classic? Weak. And the ending is also ludicrous. A police car runs up, and he walks in? Wow.. Almost as weak as the ending in the original Scarface.

A lot of older films have these kinds of strange occurrences. Maybe it was a more innocent time? Well, still 6/10, but surely not a great movie - I feel.

-------Gå på disco rulla hatt, med SunTrip varje natt-------


I thought the idea was that he died in his sleep, which is why he didn't wake up. The thing about him hitting a rock and dying seemed like a conjecture on Tom's part.

~After enjoying that movie, I figured I would drop by IMDB to read about its problems.


Maybe. But we don't know that.

It is still silly to open a car door like that when someone is sleeping against it.

And the phone cord strangulation was a bit weird as well.

-------Gå på disco rulla hatt, med SunTrip varje natt-------


It is still silly to open a car door like that when someone is sleeping against it.

That's my point. Because it seems more silly for him to remain sleeping during a rainstorm and keep sleeping after a door is open and then die when he falls down and hits his head on the rock, it seems more reasonable that he simply died beforehand in his sleep. We don't know for sure but that makes the most sense to me.

~After enjoying that movie, I figured I would drop by IMDB to read about its problems.


I saw it for the first time just now.

The movie is extremely far-fetched, but I loved it anyway.

I agree with your points about the car door, etc.

Jim Hutton (1934-79) & Ellery Queen 🎇


Lots of things in this movie are supposed to not make sense, because the narrator is crazy.


Exactly... the guy telling the story is a paranoid self hating loser. He refuses to allow anything decent to happen around him.

That's All Folks


There is nothing provided in the movie that indicates the narrator is crazy. To make such an assumption requires making up your own story, which of course you are free to do.


Enough already liscarkat, okay? You don't whether he is or isn't. We are discussing a movie. You sound like you are autistic and just take everything literally. Or are just plain hard-headed or unintelligent.
