How times have changed

Regarding the soldier bathing the female baby, in addition he mentioned bathing his nieces or nephews. Boy he would not be able to get away with that in today's movie culture! There would be hints of him being a pervert, right or wrong! Which is stupid since married and single dads have bathed their kids since the dawn of time.


The world has certainly changed in that respect, and fairly recently. Of course, pedophilia is bad and must be stopped wherever it is found, but now if you simply allow your glance to go in the direction of a minor, people get agitated. I remember when, as an adult male, I could have conversations with children and teenagers, including girls, and nobody thought anything negative about it. It was, in reality, innocuous, and that's how society regarded it. If I attempted to speak to a twelve-year-old girl now, somebody would pepper-spray me and call the SWAT team. Uptight prudery has escalated to a level of hysteria that would astonish the Victorians. It's asinine and unnecessary.


I recall as a 70's kid, sitting on my female teacher's lap sometimes in the primary grades during storytime. Naturally she alternated kids. Those days are gone.


Paranoia is also bad!
