Curious couplings in the film

I was struck by how many of the actors were together in other major films of the time ---

Stanwyck and Sakall (with Gary Cooper) in 1941's "Ball of Fire" ---

Sakall and Greenstreet (with Bogie and Bergman) in 1942's "Casablanca" ---

...and I understand that Bette Davis had originally been offered Stanwyck's role ---
both Davis and Reginald Gardner (with Monty Wooley) were in 1942's "The Man Who Came to Dinner."

"J'ai l'oeil AMÉRICAIN !"


It's the way the studio system worked. Back then an actor signed a contract with a studio and became part of a large pool who were assigned movies and roles by the studio, far different than today's practices. Naturally then, actors from the same studio, in this case Warner's tended to do films together.
