Ways that the remake *might* just work...
The obvious answer is "Leave the classics alone and stop making stupid remakes!" Alas, Hollywood has the last word. So, to stop it from COMPLETELY sucking, here's some ways I think it might just work:
- Jennifer Garner is a likable actress (it could've been much worse. What if they got Paris Hilton or the like?) and would work well in a character modeled after Rachel Ray (TV show and all) as opposed to Martha Stewart.
- Keep it as PG as possible, or at least a tame PG-13 (after all, the original had clever innuendo without being offensive).
- The sailor could be a wounded Iraq veteran longing for home. But I don't know who could be as adorable as Dennis Morgan's character was, especially interacting with the baby.
- Definitely have some sort of nod to the original, say, the movie playing in the background and nobody notices.
Anyway, there's almost no way it can be worse than Ah-nold's version (I hope). And even when remakes are terrible, they still bring attention back to the originals. Special Edition DVD, maybe?