When did Uncle Felix tell him?

I missed it- when did Uncle Felix tell him she wasn't really married? Did he know from the very beginning?


Apparently, but not sure when exactly. She said "you've known all along" and he said "yes; Uncle Felix told me".


Felix told him in the living room conversation that we see only the very end of, while Stanwyck was packing and Greenstreet was trying to hire her back.

He knew "all along" with respect to when he came into the room and started that whole game of "I changed my type" to someone who kisses married women.


That had me wondering as well. I mean, he hypothetically could have known all along and the story would have remained the same. Instead of his inability to get close to her due to her being married, he was unable to due to the fact that he was engaged.

It would make sense that he was playing ignorant, as she did several things which would have given her away, but I think he really didn't know until near the end.


Yes, my understanding exactly.


I see it as meaning that Uncle Felix told him not long after he arrived. Within the story Uncle Felix totally disapproves of her marrying Sloane and immediately signals his approval of the Lieutenant (Morgan). He noticed the attraction right away and wanted him to know she was available.

Also, you have to remember the very restrictive moral code of the 1940's which would have considered his openly flirtatious behavior and interest in her as totally scandalous. A good young man simply wouldn't have behaved that way towards a married woman. But if he knew all along, it's totally forgivable.


The more I see it, the more I see that Jefferson knew all along, but finally has it confirmed by Elizabeth at the end. Look at his face: he way playing her like she was playing him.


I know I'm responding to these comments years later, but I just rewatched the film and Uncle Felix tells him AFTER Mary says she has to break "Jeffey boy's heart." Felix already knew they were infatuated with each other, but that's the first time he knows that both of them are eligible. Then Jeff starts pursuing her in the bedroom with a big smile on his face. He didn't know it until before then.


No, he was told right before that scene. That is why he "changed his type." He is messing with her in that scene. The rest of the movie doesn't make sense if he knew all along.
