Please, less hysteria toward Dr Harvey
I’m still trying to understand this urge that (presumably women?) commenters have to kick poor Dr Harvey in the shins and whack him over the head with their umbrellas. What, dear commenter, is the source of your bile and outrage toward the man? Why the misandry that permeates your comments?
Is it because your heartthrob Billy Joe didn’t ask you to the junior prom? Were you left at the altar? When you finally did marry, did hubby petition for divorce after a few months? (can’t imagine why!) At any rate, here you are, convinced that every man from here to Shanghai is a dirty, low-down, scum-sucking, lying, cheating, four-flushing, two-timing worm whose only goal in life is to seduce and ruin a Nice Decent Girl.
So, angry and distrustful of anything in pants, you sit down to watch Brief Encounter. And oh my word! That … that cad, that evil Alec Harvey has the unmitigated gall to be attracted to a woman who is not his wife! Of all the nerve! You can tell he’s up to no good because he’s a … a doctor! And the first two times their paths crossed, he was cordial and brief! Why, that proves he was out to seduce poor Laura all along! The man should be taken out and horse-whipped to within an inch of his life!
Brief Encounter and Still Life, the Noel Coward play on which it was based, are generally interpreted as a poignant, bittersweet love story. Why must commenters here try to twist it into a morality tale whose purpose is to teach us the merits of good Christian Family Values? To do so, one must ignore half the scenes and half the dialog in the movie. But that does not stop them. Do they really believe that is what Noel Coward had in mind?
Just out of curiosity, dear commenter, did you ever see a play called Romeo and Juliet? Did you leave the theater thinking, Well, it just goes to show what happens when a girl is attracted to the Wrong Sort of Boy. Were you pleased with the ending because that silly Juliet got what she deserved? Did Will Shakespeare write R & J to also teach us the importance of good Christian Family Values?
Considering your attitude toward half the human race in general and Dr. Harvey in particular, dear commenter, be careful of the movies you watch. For example, never watch Strangers When We Meet. Your poor heart will not be able to take it!