Title Change

Why has the title been changed from "Brief Encounter" to "A Brief Encounter"?
I've also noticed that many other film titles here on IMDb have been changed in a similar way, for example many have had the word "The" added to the beginning.
If anybody knows why the titles have been being changed lately I would be glad to know.


I downloaded this movie to my computer and called it "Brief Encounter." I noticed that on IMDB, it was called "A Brief Encounter," and I was preparing to rename it. Then I read your thread, and so, I won't rename it after all.

To answer your question, I don't know. But it's interesting that apparently it's IMDB's doing.


I think maybe you misunderstood. I also know the film as "Brief Encounter".
I do not think it is suppose to have an "A" at the beginning. I think someone here on IMDb changed it, not knowing that the title was already correct.
