I got a lotta problems with this movie
. . . and now you're gonna hear about them!
Okay, of course, I'm kidding. It's a cute movie and all. But there are so many wrong things about it!
1. Whose mother is she anyway? They both call her mom! Unless those two are brother and sister, in which case someone's got a lot of 'splainin' to do.
2. There is no indication that the war is over. Indeed, the movie was released in April, 1945 - not only before Japan surrendered, but before Germany surrendered, too. Brewster's home because of his wound. Why are his two buddies home? Indeed, what the hell are all the able-bodied men we see throughout the entire movie doing in the States?
3. Again, the movie is released in 1945. But the guy who first arrives from the law firm specifically asks Brewster if he was born in 1914! His 30th birthday has already passed! It isn't until we see the calendar later that we find out it's 1944.
I want the doctor to take your picture so I can look at you from inside as well.