Length of Available Versions

Does anyone here own any DVD version (Region 1, North America) of The Woman in the Window? I'm trying to find out if any full-length version exists.

The IMDb says that the original length was 107 minutes. I have the MGM/UA VHS version which is 99 minutes. Some DVD versions listed on Amazon claim to be 107 minutes. I'm trying to find out if that is correct.

I'm also trying to guess what might be in the missing 8 minutes. I suspect the lecture by Robinson in the first scene was greatly shortened, since it ends so abruptly and there is about a 2-second gap before the film resumes; but I doubt that it was 8 minutes longer than it is. So some cuts would have to have been made elsewhere.

The problem is that I cannot buy DVD-Rs -- they will not play on my standard DVD player; they freeze or skip (usually the latter). And the true DVDs appear to be out of print and you have to pay outrageous prices on Amazon to get a new copy from a marketplace seller. I wouldn't want to pay $60 and then find out that the 107 minutes is an error and that the DVDs are only 99 minutes after all.

I'd like to hear from those who actually own, or have owned in the past, any DVD version and know for sure how many minutes it plays for. I'd also like to know the publisher/studio that put out the DVD, so I know which version to avoid and which version to look for. E.g., "The MGM version is only 99 minutes, but the Alpha version is 107."
