Well, I got all excited when I logged onto Amazon yesterday and saw that a new DVD of this movie had been released - but then I started reading some of the customer reviews, and my excitement vanished. What a shame that a classic comedy like this couldn't get a decent DVD treatment - and I understand that this is the second DVD version of the movie!

Perhaps I should scout around for a copy of the earlier DVD version.


I'm one of the guys who wrote a negative review. Amazon offers used copies of the first release (which I own) and which is fine. It's the one with the green tinted cover.


Going by the DVD Details page. I'm not much of an audio buff and I don't speak Spanish, French or Italian. So would the newer version be okay for me if I found it?

Or are there other reasons?

--Luminous beings are we, not this crude matter--


If you mean the lacklustre Korean import DVD, which is the same transfer as the American MGM release, well, the picture is a bit soft and lacking in contrast, so that the Technicolor doesn't look as rich as it should. But also, there is a double image on some scenes and the sound level is very low and you have to turn the volume up full to hear it and worse than that, the sound is slightly out of synch throughout the whole film, so that you see an actor mouth a word and a second later, you hear the sound of it. Shoddily done. This classic film deserves much better than this.


i'm willing to buy the dvd of this movie until mgm or whoever own the studio now releases a blu-ray verison of the movie.


I just bought a new copy of the 1999 HBO home video release which is still available from Amazon. I hope this version is decent enough. I'm certainly not going to get the MGM version, which is more expensive anyway.

"Club sandwiches not seals" -
