And her voice and mannered, stilted, stagey, self-conscious delivery didn't bother you in the least? In all fairness to Bette, who IS one of my favorite actresses, probably because she is so over-the-top so often, the dialogue was pretty horrendous, too, which is a little surprising considering it was written by the Epstein brothers, who wrote "Casablanca". And the music! It was so heavy-handed and melodramatic that I suspect the composer chuckled slightly as he watched the movie, knowing he had put one over on everyone, and no one was willing to say that the emperor had no clothes.
My original post was a trifle (trifle?!) mean-spirited because I couldn't believe some of the positive reviews I came across here. I wanted to shake some sense into you. Surely you can't be serious! But I think you really are. And you really do think Bette Davis gave a good performance. She was nominated for an Oscar in this role, so you obviously weren't alone. If you wanted to be nominated for an Oscar back then (and to some extent, even now), it paid to lay it on as thick as you possibly could and really show that you were acting up a storm (as opposed to the Spencer Tracy school of acting, which had as its goal to not show any sign that you were acting at all), and Bette certainly didn't disappoint in that regard.
I suspect that most people who watch this movie have a hard time watching it with a straight face.