A horrible movie
Bette Davis was way too old to play Fanny. She wasn't even remotely attractive enough to play the character. I started watching the film when Joe first approached her about her brother's theft and, by the way she talked and looked, I thought she was a mentally challenged individual. The idea dozens of men , during this period of history, would publicly humiliate themselves to curry her favor was ludicrous. And the idea they'd do it again, 25 years later- with their wives in tow- was even more absurd. Finally, a destitute, blind Joe crawling back for a handout was completely unbelievable. I mean, the guy had a daughter and son-in-law to turn to. Not to mention the fact Fanny Jr., a supposedly very intelligent woman, would suddenly, out of the blue, fall for such a vapid empty suit. I'd rate this movie about two stars below Gremlins 3.