Orwell's 1984

Orwell's book was done in 1948. The date turned around to 1984. When I heard the title I thought of the Ministry of Love where they torture people. The exact opposite of what the Ministry name is. Maybe this is where Orwell got the idea of the Ministry of Love. Just remember what all Governments' want you to believe: War is Peace; Freedom is Slavery; Ignorance is Strength!


Funny, I've always thought of Orwell and "1984" whenever I hear the title of this film. It does sound Orwellian. But there's no indication Orwell got the idea for his ministries from this movie, or that he'd ever even seen it. He was a brilliant writer and certainly came up with his ministries' names on his own, which after all are fairly obvious concepts for the type of society he constructed for his book. Incidentally, the working title of the book was "The Last Man in Europe"; "1984" was substituted because it was a catchier, simpler and more apppropriate title, aside from reversing the year the book was written. But the book wasn't actually published until 1949.


I have read all of Orwell's books but I did not know about the original title. V E R Y interesting! Let's hope the future of mankind is not a "boot stamping on a human face forever".


One of the author's most memorable lines and graphic concepts. The book was so much better than either film version. But let's not get into that here on the site for Ministry of Fear!


Clearly you completely misunderstood what the film is about.

You don't understand Graham Greene or George Orwell either. They would never have said "Just remember what all Governments' want you to believe: War is Peace; Freedom is Slavery; Ignorance is Strength!"

Greene and Orwell would have despised such dogma.
