Was this ever colorized?
I'm sure some will shudder to even consider the possibility, but if you've ever seen Tierney in "Leave Her to Heaven"...
I'm sure some will shudder to even consider the possibility, but if you've ever seen Tierney in "Leave Her to Heaven"...
shareHi Mckee,
I've never come across any reference to this film being available in color.
As for the controversy concerning colorization, it's never been an issue for me.
When colorization was first started, I read they always used a pristine print to start the process, resulting in details not noticeable before.
In my opinion, this was a plus, because prior to the advent of home video (in its many incarnations), most of us saw muddy, old prints of the classics on TV. Often, they may have been copies of copies. Really bad quality.
I read, for example, that the "great wall" in "King Kong" was very detailed and covered with vines. Yet, in all its TV broadcasts (many years ago), the wall just looked like a black mass.
I came upon the colorized version on VHS years ago, and all the details are apparent. (As I'm sure they are today in a remastered black and white.)
People who rail against colorization puzzle me. It's like they want to impose their will on others. If you don't want to watch a colorized version, just don't watch it.
It's not as if they taking away and destroying the black and white original.
Who cares what the director's/producer's original intent was? That's a weak argument -- as long as the originals aren't destroyed.
As a film maker, it would be like making a beautiful painting and finding it's being shown with somebody else's colouring in all over it.
shareAs a film maker, it would be like making a beautiful painting and finding it's being shown with somebody else's colouring in all over it.But, that's not what it is at all. It's just an optional way of viewing a movie. The original is still intact. If you want to get all artsy fartsy film maker on me, I'm not impressed.
Thanks, Gubbio, for your thoughtful and informative reply. Did not know "King Kong" was colorized...would love to see it!
While I can appreciate the "purist" point of view, I do enjoy having different viewing options, and bottom line...the original is still intact!
I have a colorized copy of "Casablanca." It is beautiful! I also have a black and white version as well. I have also seen "The Maltese Falcon" in color. The color gives you an idea of how young the actors really were. The costumes in "Casablanca" are out of this world in color.
shareThe costumes in "Casablanca" are out of this world in color.I repeat, I have no problem with colorization.
Appreciate everyone's input and Gubbio especially for the behind the scenes technical history...and Karloff the Klown!
Laura has never been colorized.
Sorry, I'm one of those who, in Gubbio's words, "rails against" colorization. Actually, I'm not at all sorry.
Now, the OP says Gene Tierney looked good in color in Leave Her to Heaven. True. But the huge difference is that that was real color. "Colorization", by its name and by definition, is NOT real color. It's fake, invented, and cannot possibly duplicate the nuances, subtleties and accuracy of actual color.
(I loved the comment by the poster who said they never realized what color the costumes were in Casablanca before seeing it colorized. Sorry to inform them, they still don't. And how seeing the actors in The Maltese Falcon colorized makes the poster realize how young they were? The actors actually weren't all that young there, but I never heard that colorization made you look younger.)
For all his acceptance of colorization, even Gubbio admits that colorization technicians simply make up the colors they slap on costumes -- and everything else -- in a b&w film. Very little you see in colorized movies reflects what colors things actually were...and even in the extremely rare occasions when they have some clue of the real colors, they still cannot duplicate them.
The colorization process requires that a b&w film be, in effect, "washed out", lightened in order to apply the fake colors. This in itself mars the basic film. Then a technician puts on artificial colors that almost never reflect what the actual colors were. And unlike real color, where the shadings and variations of natural colors show up, in colorization the colors are simply uniform and flat -- everything is just yellow or blue or green or whatever, with none of the differentiations seen in the real world.
Also, if you look in the backgrounds of colorized films you can see they often don't bother colorizing things in the distance (people, cars, etc.), or just smear on some colors (like blobs of green on tree leaves) without making any distinctions. Interiors of things like cars when seen in the background are never colorized. Objects that actually were or might have been black or white, such as telephones, are not colorized (a black phone is not painted black by a colorizer), and as such they look faded and unreal amid an otherwise colorized scene.
And if you want to see a colorized Gene Tierney, be prepared for the usual sight of pastel skin with dead pupils in her eyes -- unless it's a close-up, in which case all of a sudden ray beams of unnatural color bobble around the eyeballs. Oh, and gray teeth and a tongue with no color when she opens her lovely mouth.
Have any of you colorization fans considered that movies like Laura are called film noir for a reason? They're supposed to be in black and white. Any movie, color or b&w, is designed and shot to take advantage of its way of being filmed. A b&w film is not simply a color movie shot with b&w film. The whole point is to convey a mood or feeling that only b&w can convey. (Just as a movie filmed in color looks bad in b&w.) Colorization destroys the whole point of making a film in b&w -- and nowhere more so than in film noir. (This also goes for horror films like Frankenstein or Night of the Living Dead. B&W isn't simply a budget choice; the picture only really works as it was filmed.)
In short, colorization has consequences. It isn't merely putting fake, inaccurate colors on a movie. It's changing the movie. The film isn't the same any more. I love this cop-out caveat: "As long as we still have the original." Unhappily, you may not always have access to the original.
One last thing. If you like colorization and don't think it means anything, then why not change a film's music score? Why not remove scenes or add new ones? Why not digitally alter scenes? Why not change dialogue? Why not change colors in color movies? This isn't theory: all these things have been done to many films. If you justify changing a film in one way, you cannot in logic not justify other kinds of changes. And you can't say, well, colorization doesn't change the film, because obviously it does -- otherwise why do it? Where does this nonsense about "having a choice" stop?
Gubbio and others may scoff at "the artist's intent", but despite that opinion, this is indeed a legitimate factor. No one has the right to change another's work.
In any case, one basic question...why are so many people so uptight about black & white?
Who cares if it's the wrong color, when they filmed a b&w movie was the world also in b&w?
Your points are invalid, by your logic you claim coloring a film makes it different, yet b&w isn't/wasn't a realistic representation of the actual world or its characters. There is a reason films have advanced to color, because realistically, the world and its people aren't b&w.
Coloring a film doesn't replace the actors, so how would replacing the score or removing scenes be the same?
Coloring a film enriches a stale color palette.
Eloquently & accurately said!
shareI wouldn't want to see this in a colorized version. In fact, if there was a hypothetical alternate version that had been shot in Technicolor at the same time they were shooting the original Black and White, I don't think I'd want to see that, either.
It is a terrible idea to colorize this film. This film has wonderful black and white cinematography.
sharePersonally, I wish colorized versions of ALL movies were available, as horrible an idea as that might be to some film purists.
The reason I feel that way, is because I'd like to see more young people enjoying classic movies such as this one, but nowadays, kids are reluctant to watch any movie that was shot in black & white, which is very sad, indeed.
If colorizing a movie ensures that more people will see and enjoy a particular film, then I'm all in favor of it.
An analogy might be that no one complained at all (so far as I know), when music was added as a soundtrack to Fritz Lang's memorable 1927 classic, "METROPOLIS."
You make a very good point, and with that in mind, I propose the following movie channel: Colorized Classic Movies, aka CCM.
"No, I don't like to cook, but I have a chicken in the icebox, and you're eating it."
Ugh...I sure hope not!
I think that black and white films should be seen as black and white films. Why should they be colorized?
💕 JimHutton (1934-79) and ElleryQueen 👍
How is it pretentious and elitist? Besides, to be fair, if a movie was filmed in color, then I expect to see it in color. I wouldn't watch such a film in black and white. Just like if a movie is in a foreign language, then I don't want it dubbed over in English. The subtitles are good enough. And a silent film shouldn't have a voice-over, either.
Comparing the black & white/color issue to how music is played isn't a good comparison.
💕 JimHutton (1934-79) and ElleryQueen 👍
I should have elaborated more on the business of comparing colorizing b&w films to listening to music on cassettes/CDs rather than records. That comparison makes no sense. Shifting from records to CDs to digital music is like watching movies on DVDs and VHS rather than only in the theaters. It doesn't change the music/movie. The only change is how the music is heard and where the movies are seen.
Colorizing a b&w film (or seeing a color film in b&w) is like tampering with a song - making changes to something already recorded.
Nothing narrow-minded and irrational about seeing a b&w film in b&w. That's how it was filmed. Why would it be necessary to see it in color? If b&w bothered me so much, then I wouldn't watch b&w films at all.
💕 JimHutton (1934-79) and ElleryQueen 👍
The movie is visually stunning. As it was released in 1944, I expect it to look like 1944 and not like 2015. If I want to see a film from 2015, I would check out a film from 2015. If that's narrow-minded, so be it.
💕 JimHutton (1934-79) and ElleryQueen 👍
Consull, you persist in calling anyone who dislikes colorization as "narrow-minded". In point of fact, you're the one who's narrow-minded. You're as intolerant of anti-colorizers as you accuse them of being toward people like yourself.
You've said you have no problem watching b&w movies but I don't believe you, because everything you've said about them is disparaging. Your descriptions of them as "murky", "dull" and the like betray a closed mind and an unobservant eye. In fact, most b&w films are beautifully shot. Your comparison of the qualities of b&w films to the relative qualities of older technologies vs. new (VHS vs. Hi Def, CDs vs. records) is invalid. If some b&w films look poor visually that's because of the deterioration that has occurred with age, improper storage and so forth, or maybe they were just poorly made. (The same kinds of thing applies to many color films.) It's not because b&w is inherently inferior visually to color.
I'm stating that color helps to restore and refine the dull color of b&w.
Gone with the Wind and half of The Wizard of Oz is in color, both are considered superior visually than any other film of its [sic] time.
Arguing with a one-sided individual on the internet is futile.
You clearly have no clue what you're articulating, as I have spent a copious amount of time colorizing different projects.
Not only does it restore an image/video, it adds intensity and a sentimental relation.
Today's colourizing techniques are far more accurate and progressive,
it only makes sense to bring a contemporary perspective to a film.
I have an immense amount of respect for all film. From the silent era to current.
You're just not living in a realistic reality. I'm not the one refusing to accept that the colorization process IS indeed beneficial in refurbishing a black and white film.
Thankfully, the fine arts are indeed a subjective topic,
however, an up close involvement hold a tad bit more weight than an unfledged observation.
I could have ignored the topic, though seeing your unwillingness to listen to other ideals and acting like you were competent enough to justify hostility towards anyone who felt different, I obliged by offering a more hard-nosed opinion than I would have otherwise.
I never claimed b&w films are dreadful, I simply said, visually, they lack depth, refinement and an ardent emotional charge.
Thanks, hobnob. I think that I was courteous in the way I stated my reasons for preferring to watch b&w movies in black and white. If I'm going to be repeatedly called narrow-minded for my preferences, then I don't see the point of continuing the conversation.
💕 JimHutton (1934-79) and ElleryQueen 👍
Color distracts . . . and in no way would colorization (or whatever) make a masterpiece more of a great work . . .
shareYou have a chance to make a classic even more watchable and practical
There is absolutely no reason as to why colorization is wrong.
The claims hobnob put forth are fruitless.
Bleeding of colors? Please! I highly doubt he has colorized a film a day in his life, much less studied the technique available to do so.