My namesake

I am a 50 year old man who was named after Dana Andrews. My mother has been gone 10 years now and I regret not asking her what film inspired her to name her son after Mr. Andrews.

My theory is that it was "The Best Years of Our Lives". What a classic film. But it could have been "Laura" as well. I will sadly never know.

My mother was the smartest person I have ever known. She was wise enough to tell me when I was a kid "Later in your life, when (and if) people ask you why is your name Dana, tell them your mother named you after actor Dana Andrews".

Thanks mom. Love you and miss you.


My first name is Cary, which I share with an actor who was fairly well-known at one time. It hasn't affected my life in any way, and I don't attribute any significance to it. I just doesn't matter.
