project help

hi i have a project i have to do for my history class n i was wondering if u could help me. my project is to watch a movie n i picked this one. n i have to watch it which i did. n now i have to wite an essay comparing the differences or similarites from ww2 or nazi events to this movie. so if anyone can help me thanks so much


About this movie, I have nothing to offer. However, if you write your report in the same style that you wrote this posting, you are sure to get a bad grade, regardless of the sound ideas you endeavor to present in your essay.

You picked a good Hollywood drama for your subject but be sure you present it as fiction and not history.

I don't have to show you any stinking badges!


I agree with RandyParr. You can do your own homework. However, were you to read the various postings and threads for the movie on IMDb, you'd probably have everything you need.

Didn't the movie itself give you ANY ideas on what to write about ?



I'm curious to know what grade you got on your project and what you are doing with your life now.
