MovieChat Forums > The Outlaw (1946) Discussion > Friends, Cowboys, Countrymen, lend me yo...

Friends, Cowboys, Countrymen, lend me your EARS (a few spoilers)

God, this has to be was of THE worst movies I've ever seen. But as I was switching thru channels I came across the last 20 minutes of it on TCM and had to stay. This movie is like a car wreck, you don't want to look, but you can't turn away. What amazes me is we have a Huston & Mitchell (oscar winner) & everyone's acting is simply quite horrible. Another great feature is the music! Right after a guy tries to kill the other in cold blooded murder/betrayal, the music softens sadly as everyone talks in monotone and they all hug & make-up. After they bury a friend neither will kneel on the grave for fear of the other best friend shooting him in the BACK. After Pat clicks both guns to kill Billy (but firing pin removed guns have been switched) Pat says, 'You dirty little Sneak! (right after he finds out he didn't murder what he thought was unarmed Billy) They both discuss it afterwards with muted trumpets playing like a 3 stooges routine going, waa waa waa waa waa... (like musical laughter) I'm not quite sure what Howard Hughes was after re: this movie but could no one see how horrible this was in the screening room? This movies only value is for camp or a worst movies ever made collection, oh, there's two more very large items of value: Jane Russell (if you know what I mean lol) Really tho, it is worth the last twenty minutes if you can survive it intact. Dialogue sample not verbatim: Doc: Look kid, I'm sorry I blew your ears off (hug hug...sweet violins music) Billy: Awww, that's o.k. Doc,...Uh, What'd you say?? waa waa waa waa waa......

You're damned if you do and damned if you don't ~ Bart Simpson
