No, actually it does not either. Google is awful about terminating accounts...they have wrecked youtube. One used to be able to spend days on youtube watching things you never knew existed, but now Amazon charges between $3 and $15 to watch even the oldest movie! It's corporatocracy run amok, and dividing us into the uber-wealthy who can afford to drop $15 every couple of hours to be entertained and criminals who cannot afford to do so, instead of lower, middle and upper classes that weren't great but were at least flexible, mobile, and not permanent. Apologies for the rant. I just don't think intellectual property laws were originally intended to support corporate zillionaires for eternity, long (half a century or more?) after anyone associated with the production has died.
You are correct about my posted link no longer working, due to an account being terminated by YouTube. I have mixed feelings about paying (or not paying) to watch movies online, and because I am employed in the entertainment industry, I'll respectfully keep those feelings to myself.