Jeez, the movie is 73 years old! What holds up 73 years?!? Can we cut a little slack?!? Lighten up a Little Bit?!? It's not the end of the world, IT'S ONLY A MOVIE !!! Jane Russell is no Marilyn Monroe. Ha Ha Jack Buetel is no Montgomery Clift. Hee Hee (God! I'm funny!) There's Jane Russell, she looked exactly like my mom. We'd walk down streets of St. Louis 1953 and men would go nuts! Whistling, yelling, calling. One guy feel out a window! Hey! It's mom !! Leave her alone !! The movie Oh! ... Forget it !!


I liked the movie better than I expected. The acting was very forced at times and the plot was predictable but I didn't really mind. Hughes managed to tell a fairly entertaining story. By the way, I'm a woman so I did not watch the movie to see Ms. Russell's breasts. I had heard of the controversy but the version I saw was tame. Then again, today we see so much we're all jaded. Nothing shocks us because we've seen it all.

Woman, man! That's the way it should be Tarzan. [Tarzan and his mate]


Very same response to Peckinpaw's "the Wild Bunch". I was in movie theatre when it premiered. People ran out in disgust. I bought Directors Cut last year. (2015) Watched it with one eye closed; movie is very tame! We've seen so much in last 45 years, Wild Bunch is nothing......BUT climax has thousands (???) of edits?? It's something!!!
