MovieChat Forums > The Outlaw (1946) Discussion > does the uncut version still exist?

does the uncut version still exist?

Does the uncut version still exist? Or what we have on DVD is the only version available to us.
I would believe that there would be no reason for it to be censored or/and cut.
Is there hope?

my growing DVD collection


I made a dvd copy of the bbc version today. It's 111 minutes.
Don't know about the different versions, I guess it's uncut.


I've just been watching a dvd version which is 117 minutes. It says on the cover: "This DVD presents the most complete cut known to exist." It was made of archival 35 mm material and released by Roan Group Archival Entertainment in 1999.
But I must say this is one of the most boring westerns I've ever seen ...
I don't know the cut version, but maybe they knew what they were doing. Jane Russell doesn't have much to do in the version I saw, too.


i was just watching the version from the "50 Movie Pack" Western Classics DVD Collection, and it clocked in at 117 minutes. Great deal on movies too. $20.00 for 50 movies (on 12 dvds). Got it on ebay where it is readily available. Transfer isn't bad. Definitely watchable. Sound isn't bad. Definitely listenable. Can't beat the price.


Ya, you can get this movie for free when you buy The Aviator on DVD this week, but is it really appropriate, cuz it doesnt look appropriate


Well seeing as how there are several remarks about the movie mentioned in the aviator, and seeing the aviator is about howard hughes life, and the outlaw is a howard hughes movie i would say it is appropriate.
i myself bought it at circuit city for the fact that it was free with purchase of the aviator.


Whats kinda weird about what imdb says about the running time of the uncut version the outlaw is 117 but the outlaw dvd given away by circuit city with the aviator purchase is 123 minutes long.
what are the differneces between the versions iam assuming since the one i got from circuit city is 123 minutes long that must be the most uncut version out there. but can any one tell me what exactly has been cut from the diffrent versions and how it alters or changes the flow of the story.


The running time on the circuit city dvd is wrong. I saw it today, and the movie was actually 116 minutes, not 123 as printed on the back cover.


Turner Classic Movies will be running the 116 minute version on Tuesday, June 21st. This appears to be the longest version available.

I waited decades to see it, and was very dissapointed. As so many others have said, Jane Russell is the only reason to bother watching.


Well besides Jane Russell, it has the hilarious scene of Doc Holliday shooting Billy the Kid in the hand and ears. But ya, this movie is no good. If I knew it was going to be that bad, I wouldn't have got it in the first place, even if it was for free.



What is the matter with you people? Walter Huston is as good as ever, which means pretty damn good. Jane Russell is a knockout, true, but she is rather wooden. However, her acting is still stratospherically better than Mitchell's, whose so-called acting is the worst I have seen in any film ever made.
In general, this is of course a dreadful film, not just in modern terms but in terms of its era. Plenty of excellent films were made in the 30s and early 40s. This one has an appalling script and worse direction: absolutely no sense of timing, rhythm or flow. A good editor might have saved it, but it must have been edited by R2D2. The soundtrack, as others have said, is embarassingly dreadful. All in all, it may have a novelty value - like others here, I waited for years to finally see it - but it's a waste of perfectly good silver halide.


Walter Huston was 60 years old in this, looking every year of it, playing a 30 year old man. Pat Garrett was 6'5" tall; he would have towered over everyone else. Instead, he's shorter. Terrible casting.


Your information is most precious to me, and it should be to others.

Howard Hughes' «director's cut» had a running time of 123 minutes and was finished February 14, 1941; next day, a Saturday, he hurried to the copyright office and registered it. It was perfect, it showed a bit of cleavage, arms and legs of his lovely Jane Russell, and it would be a success.

The Production Code Administration (PCA) of the Motion Picture Producers and Distributors of America (MPPDA) imposed cuts and alterations that Hughes seems to have accepted promptly, if not happily. He shot additional scenes (I do not know which, but I figure they may have been «modest dress shots» of Jane Russell), he added the additional footage to his 123 minutes and came up with 117 minutes. If you know your arythmetic, you now know that he cut well over 6 minutes of film. Forever lost? Apparently yes.

Follows a complete attrition battle between producer and PCA and independent distributors all over the USA, while in Europe WW2 was raging on - and Mr. Hughes had to occupy himself with both wars. (His other business of aircraft production was being called to arms...)

The DVD 117 minute version is OK, but shop around: there are 117 degraded picture and/or sound from VHS copies; colorized version (which is my pet hate but I now bought because they added a voice over commentary by Jane Russell, whom I came to respect after reading about her - I had oggled at her pics before...), and the restored one.

Technically, the 1999 and 2009 «uncensored 117 minutes» versions are Not Rated versions of a heavily censored film that either disappeared, or is burried in a vault somewhere in the attic of Howard Hughes' inheritors.


Is there a longer version out there or not - that is longer than the 116 min.?

This is such a great movie cannot understand how a movie goer what not enjoy this picture. The story and the characters have depth. It was a smart film. The talent was overwhelming.


did we see the same movie??



With lines like... Waiting for the CUCKOO CLOCK to count down to 8 o'clock...
"Why didn't you shoot Billy?" Doc Holiday says as he is holding both guns in his hands ready to shoot. "I dunno, maybe I had too much to eat!" Billy responds with little emotion. That might give you a clue as to the kind of drama or lack of in this picture made from Howard Hughes... I've seen much better but you have to look at it as hysterical Or I mean historical because of HH.


You liked this? Ed Wood directed better films.



The rape is implyed, never shown. Maybe that was cut as we see advertisments of her laying in the hay.
I really didn't notice much cleavage. I guess I am so used to seeing so much more of today.

There is that one scene where Doc comes home and he finds that Rio and Billy have been sleeping together. He soon found out they were married, but Billy didn't know it. So, maybe that was considered scandalus.


I have never seen this movie. I was looking around the web for it, and came across a download on the website. It's a public domain movie now. The listing there shows it as 116 minutes.


I saw this film for the first time late last night on the Australian ABC TV network, which has no commercials during programs.
The runtime was listed as 117 minutes. But after about 90 minutes, I was wondering how much more of this bizarre slow burning fantasy I had to endure, so I checked the EPG. There were actually 123 minutes between start and end times.
I managed to last the distance and the end time was as indicated on the EPG, so this was evidently the "director's cut" referred to on this thread.


I've seen the two DVD set from Legend Films(2009). The first disc contains the feature in black and white and a colorized version. The second disc has commentary from Jane Russell.

The running time for the feature is 117 minutes. I believe this is the same version shown on TCM recently. While this may not be the "complete" complete version, I believe it does include footage which did not appear in the version shown initially in theaters.


The Playboy channel in it's early days, before it became a porn channel used to play the uncut version of the Outlaw complete with a nude scene with Jane Russell, I believe it was meant for International market as it would have not been allowed to be shown in American Theatres.
