MovieChat Forums > Meshes of the Afternoon Discussion > Could someone explaine this to me?

Could someone explaine this to me?

I uselly don't need things expalined to me, but this I do. Is it just suppose to be weird for the sake of weird? Don't get me wrong, I liked the movie, and the music was great. I just can't figure it out.


I can't explain it to you I just wanted to say that I personally am not a fan of the music and neither is my uni avant-garde film lecturer who says: "I'm sorry about the music: it was written for the film by one of Deren's toyboys in the early 1950s and seems to be accepted as going with the film. Actually, having finally seen it in this form, I can say that it works better with only the sound of the projector (dreams are, after all, silent) - which is how it was shown originally." On what it is about it, he wrote "Meshes is a dream narrative about the imaginary death of its protagonist (played by Deren) or her dissolution into several identical characters." Hope that helps you more than it did me!


So...I know my answer is coming a little bit late, but I have just seen this movie and I liked it a lot. Yes, the movie is about the death of the protagonist(the moment filmed through a tube is the moment when it all starts) and then the fact that she sees herself duplicated. The film has many signs - the flower, the knife, the man with the mirror face - who can also be interpreted as death, he is the one she is always following. Also the moment when she seems to be floating in the room and sees herself in the chair,like in the last moment before the "dream" started. And so on....i hope it helps you....if no....i'll try to explain a little bit more detailed! enjoy the movie and the music....


This film is clearly a non-narrative piece and simply is visual poetry.


This is it exactly.


"This film is concerned with the interior experiences of an individual. It does not record an event which could be witnessed by other persons. Rather, it reproduces the way in which the subconscious of an individual will develop, interpret and elaborate an apparently simple and casual incident into a critical emotional experience." - Maya Deren on Meshes of the Afternoon


And this is the inner experience of the film.
