Major Blunder by Tobin
Tobin made a foolish mistake when Barry Kane came to question him at the ranch about Frank Fry. This based on the letters Kane had seen that were addressed to that location.
All Tobin had to say was he had a number of transients passing through the ranch who stayed short periods of time and he can't remember all of them. Maybe Frye was there, maybe not, but sorry can't help you any further. He then could have had a drink with Kane and sent him on his merry way, or stalled him while awaiting the police. Then there would have been nothing more Kane could have done and he would have hit a dead end.
Even if the police arrived in time and caught Kane, why spill the beans to him that you're behind the sabotage?? It's possible Kane could convince the cops that Tobin's a heavy, or at least have him investigated and cramp his style. Worse yet (and as it happened) Kane gets away and exacts revenge on him.
Real dumb move.