Circus Bus Dialogue
Midget: "No vote, I hate voting!"
Bones: "FASCIST!"
This scene actually made me laugh out loud, but also got me to thinking about theaters in the 1940's. To me in 2008, this was a humorous line, but given the tone of the whole movie (patriotism), I can just imagine movie-goers in 1942 seeing this as a fight for freedom. Given how even this movie portrays movie theaters of the time as being overly-expressive (the scene in which the entire theater is laughing while a woman threatens a man with a gun), it makes me wonder if people would have cheered this line, that I now find hilarious.
Kinda makes me wish I had a time machine to see what the movie-going experience was like back then.
"You know what I'm gonna tell god when I see him? I'm gonna tell him I was framed."