ChemicalDaliGuy: Very poor argument. Germans weren't Our only enemies.
In any case: Besides the blatant mentions of fascism and so forth which people have mentioned already, at the beginning of the film, after Fry bumps into Kane and his friend, Kane says something to the effect, "Look at that. A little blond stands in the way of national security."
Unfortunately IMDB is so pathetic I cannot look up the quote. It's no mistake "little blond" is mentioned opposed to another appellation. This quote is what some call "theme stated." The "little blonde," Germany and her cohorts, shouldn't stand in the way of big bad America. Although the saboteurs are not unmistakably "German," that doesn't rule out the possibility that they are Nazi sympathizers.
What complicates matters is quotes, such as this: "You're one of the ardent believers - a good American. Oh, there are millions like you. People who play along, without asking questions. I hate to use the word stupid, but it seems to be the only one that applies. The great masses, the moron millions. Well, there are a few of us unwilling to troop along... a few of us who are clever enough to see that there's much more to be done than just live small complacent lives, a few of us in america who desire a more profitable type of government."
On the one hand, Tobin is taking a direct shot at America which probably applies to America now more than ever. However, the "great masses, the moron millions" applies easily as well to the herd mentality of the Nazis.