young minivers

so i'm watching the movie now, not done, but got to the part where the little kid's like "I'M GOING THROUGH A PHASE! i'm going through a phase!" just thought that kid looked like a demon.

sorry, but his eyes were sunk in and large, and his teeth looked like they were pointy. not sure if it was a he or a she. sorry, but that's what i thought...



I know! Let's round up all the less-than-perfectly-adorable kids in the world and segregate them so they won't mix with our byooootiful, pristine bloodlines!


I just thought he looked like a little boy making faces. Baby teeth, which are not often seen on screen, are often rather pointy-looking. Sheeeeeeesh...of all the things to focus on...!


Sad how those two thought it worthwhile to comment on the "ugliness" of a child in a movie that deals with the true ugliness and cost of war. Shallow...


I thought both the little kids were remarkably good actors, especially the boy -- he was quite natural and funny. I got a kick out of him in the dinner scene, when Vin proposed -- clinking the silverware on the glass, banging out a happy little tune. He was quite the little dickens and fun to watch.


Thank you.
