MovieChat Forums > Mrs. Miniver (1942) Discussion > Hitler Offered To Stop The Bombing Of Ci...

Hitler Offered To Stop The Bombing Of Civilians

MRS MINIVER is a Hollywood propaganda movie that was designed to make audiences sympathise with British civilians during world war 2. But during the Blitz German cities were being hit by the RAF as well. Both sides bombed civilians but it didn't have to be that way. After France surrendered Hitler through neutral channels contacted the British government and let them know he was prepared to direct the Luftwaffe to attack only military targets and factories producing arms and ammunition if they would direct the RAF to do the same. Churchill refused. A book that was published in 1944 during the war called Bombing Vindicated and written by the air ministry official J M Spaight admitted as much -
Churchill wanted the bombing of civilians to continue because he wanted the Lindemann Plan to be put into effect - This called for the killing of as many German civilians as possible which culminated in the raid on Dresden. Churchill was hell bent on killing German civilians even if it meant British civilians would be killed in return. Churchill stands condemned for escalating air attacks on civilian targets when it could have been halted by agreement of both sides in 1940 -



Seems to me the problem was that the Luftwaffe started bombing London.

You really believe Hitler would keep his word?

The way he kept his word with Stalin?

You naivete is charming, but silly.



Hitler made many promises.............. he had problems sticking to them.

Its that man again!!


And what about Churchill keeping his word? And what about Churchill sticking to his promises? He claimed that Britain was fighting for the rights of small nations and at the end of the war he sold out by allowing Stalin to take over half of Europe including Poland which was the reason for going to war in the first place! He gave a speech in 1946 talking about an "iron curtain" having descended over Europe. It was his appeasement of Stalin and the Soviet Union which made this iron curtain come about.
During the war Churchill was foaming at the mouth about Hitler being a dictator. What the hell did he think Stalin was? Everything he condemned in Hitler - dictatorship, one party state, concentration camps, secret police, press censorship - he supported in Stalin! Churchill's hypocrisy was grotesque. This was not a matter of circumstance because of the outbreak of the soviet-nazi war. After France surrendered in 1940 Churchill wrote to Stalin asking him to enter the war on the side of Britain. Also in May 1941 Hitler made generous peace offers to Britain which Churchill rejected. This is what the Hess peace flight was about. Britain could have withdrawn from the war without any territorial loss or occupation and Hitler offered to withdraw all German troops from France, Holland, Belgium, Norway, Denmark, Greece and Yugoslavia in return for peace with the British Empire. Churchill rejected this remarkable offer and instead went into an alliance with the dictator Stalin - y-World-War-II-meant-selling-Russians.html
As for Hitler ordering the invasion of the USSR and the breaking of the non aggression pact with that country this was done as a military necessity as Stalin was preparing to invade Germany and Western Europe. Russian historians such as Viktor Suvorov, Igor Bunich and Mark Solonin with access to the Stalin era archives have discovered the code name for Stalin's attack. It was Operation Thunderstorm (Operatsia Groza). Hitler's Operation Barbarossa was a preventive attack -


You seem to have had a very simple(minded)revisionist history teacher. I suppose you have a good explanation for Hitler exterminating millions of people in his death camps too? And his master race "Today Europe tomorrow the world" philosophy? Ever hear of the Axis powers? Churchill had to pick the lesser of two evils between two extremely evil men. Which countries were included in this "half of Europe" you say Churchill allowed Stalin to take over?? It was an agreement between The US, the UK and the Russians called the Potsdam Agreement.


The OP is an obvious troll - best ignore it


Stalin murdered millions of people before the war even started - Churchill knew about the holodomor and other mass deaths but still chose to support Stalin.
A review of the book Bombing Vindicated from British air ministry official J M Spaight whereby he admits Hitler offered to stop bombing of civilians but Churchill refused to take up his offer -
The British newspaper New Statesman with an article on how the RAF crews were targeting civilians over military targets -
