MovieChat Forums > Sergeant York (1941) Discussion > York's Distinguished Service Cross

York's Distinguished Service Cross

One thing I was wondering about in both this film and in reality.

York was initially awarded the Distinguished Service Cross, but it was then upgraded to the Medal of Honor.

After the upgrade, was York allowed to retain his DSC and to wear the ribbon for it afterwards?

In pictures, I've seen York wearing his Medal of Honor and Croix De Guerre, but not his DSC. I was wondering if anyone knew any details about that.


back then (during ww1 and ww2) when an award was upgraded the recipient could sometimes continue wearing the original award. that was changed in the 50's as i recall.


Thank you.

It boggles my mind, though, that he was not recommended for the Medal of Honor right away.

I know Senator Daniel Inouye(D-Hawaii) recently had his DSC, from World War II, upgraded to the Medal of Honor. I wonder if the rule allowing both medals to be worn would apply to him (and other veterans who had medals upgraded from WWII), as he could be grandfathered in.


If the award is a true upgrade and documentation states an award is an upgrade from another then the lower award cannot be worn. If supporting documentation does not state it is an upgrade then it's considered a new award and previous awards can still be worn. At least, that's my understanding of the regs.
