Favorite Scene?

I loved the movie and thought it was really great & enjoyable. There were many good scenes, but one of my favorites, is when York finds religion. I love the part where he hesitantly walks into the church, and then everyone starts singing "Give me that Old Time Religion" to him - the Pastor really makes that scene!

"Are you going to your grave with unlived lives in your veins?" ~ The Good Girl


I liked the Turkey Shoot.

Love The Oldies


Man, dog, Bible. Great scene.

Also, first battle sequences are chilling, seem more realistic for their time than other war films made then.


I love that scene as well, as well as the scene where he goes up the mountain during his furlough to reflect on whether he should go back to fight in the war or not. The expression on his face when he reads the Bible verse of "...rendering unto Caesar..." is priceless.


I liked the saloon scene with Kentucky/ Tennessee state line drawn on the floor. "Come on thar Alvin...Momma wants ya."

Then the fight begins.

also...the end of the movie with the homecoming at the train station...that brings a tear to the eye every time.


