Questions about the DVD

I bought the DVD about five years ago, before a better DVD was released. I understand there is some sort of backstory on the new DVD. I was wondering if anyone could tell me approx. how long and if it is worth the purchase. Also, what else comes on the DVD special features-wise.

I was wondering if any deleted scenes were included. I know this isn't typical with older movies, but there have been exceptions (such as June Allyson's "Easier Way" song/scene in "Good News"). I'm asking because I've noticed picture stills online of scenes which I recognize from the book but I know aren't in the movie. For example, I have the soundtrack on CD, and in the middle of the booklet is a picture of Roddy McDowall and Walter Pidgeon sitting at a table working on some wood. I believe this is the scene from the book in which the two of them work to fix the pencil case that Huw's schoolmates broke. I've noticed another example, too, but I can't seem to find it online anymore. Anyway...


Arthur (1981)
Susan: Arthur, take my hand.
Arthur: But that would only leave you with one!


I have recently bought the newest version of the DVD. It contains:
1/2 hour long AMC Backstory
Audio Commmentary with Anna Lee and Film Historian Joesph McBride
Still Gallery
Theatrical Trailer

Sorry, no deleted Scenes!
But . . . It was well worth the buy to me. Especially to hear Anna Lee commment on the film, since she is no longer with us.

Hope this helps!

- Nikki
"Singing is almost like flying." -Pope Benedict XVI
