I love old movies but...

I love old movies but this film was terribly pedestrian and simplistically emotionally choreographed. I understand films are a strict product of their times, but everything in this film was predictable and lacked any real depth.

Obviously it was the sentimental favorite (like Oliver) and won the "WTF?" Oscar best pic. I was definitely expecting something more respecting of an adult viewer.

No slight meant to those who like this film, I was just disappointed after finally seeing it.


I suspect that you are a child and need to grow up a little to appreciate the beauty of this film.

Or, you, like many who have posted here, are a vile moron.


Typical douchebag response.

Why do I even bother reading these threads any more?


Some people are not simply contented with the mediocre, and dont praise a film just because it is old.


I think the narration is terrible, but the actual visuals are gorgeous. It's all very purely told, and it captures life in that small town so perfectly. The voiceover is just so awful.



I think a case could be made that there is an added dimension of poignancy in knowing one is having a remembrance of things past.
But what was so terrible about this particular narration? Or do you object to them per se?
