Cenorship dying off?

Just out of curosity, after films like "Gone with the Wind", were films more at ease to use mild language, Mrs. Morgan, "saying to hell with the wrath,, and then" saying you know me damn well who i am or something like that towards the crowd when it's snowing, and she's telling them to lay off her husband. But anyway, had censorship died off?



I Think that this was something of a prestige project, and it got away some language and subject matter that wouldnt have been permitted in other films....its frank depiction of unwed motherhood for example is pretty explicit for 1942
[b]It is not our abilities that make us who we are...it is our choices[/]


first toilet bowl appeared 20 years later, so censors were alive and kicking during WW2

btw "to hell with wrath" was great scene, funny as well
