I haven't seen this movie yet...
I was in grammar school when I read this novel that belonged to my mother. Despite the fact that I read it only once, and almost 50 years ago, I was haunted by it then and remained intrigued by it today. Maybe it was my age...
Anyway, with more time on my hands now, I'm revisiting books and even old movies that I'd seen years ago. Checking in here, I'm gratified by the 8.2 rating of this film, even though I don't hold great stock in movie ratings.
So here's my question: should I see this film or should I acquire and re-read the novel first? Again, I was moved by the book so many years ago, and would like to get some of that emotional impact of the novel I read so many years ago. Does this film do justice to the novel (as much as film can by natural limitations).
It is bad to drink Jobus rum. Very bad.share