Was Hitchcock supposed to be creepy in this?
After Favell exited the phone booth, the policeman asked if that was his car parked there. Behind them a little girl walked by and I thought, "Why is a little girl walking around at night by herself?" The policeman said to Favell, "This isn't a parking place, you know." That's when Hitchcock walked by in a trenchcoat and was going the same direction as the little girl. Favell said, "Oh, isn't it? People are entitled to leave their cars outside if they want to. It's a pity some of you fellows haven't anything better to do."
I may have to side with Favell on this one. The policeman may want to be on the lookout for little girls who are walking around unsupervised at night, with strange men in trenchcoats following them
Mag, Darling, you're being a bore.