A perfect, if momentary, glimpse of everyone's personality in one shot
There is one particular shot in this film I just love!
It's in the first act, all of the suspects have gathered for sherry on the patio, with Uncle Willy having been officially dubbed "Papa" by Tracy and are about to go into lunch when who should arrive, completely unexpected, but Seth Lord, Tracy's actual father!
Tracy quickly goes to her father to further cover her ruse and addresses her father as "Uncle Willy" and then everyone marches through on their way to lunch and you can see so well, in that one shot, everyone's role plastered across their faces!!
From screen left, to right:
~ Uncle Willy looking rather amused by the ridiculous situation and the spectacle of Margaret, Mrs. Lord, floundering.
~ Dinah also amused by the complex proceedings unfolding before herself (she had, after all, wished during a previous scene that **something** would, just for once, happen there).
~ Liz and Mike both picking up on something being not quite right in the proceedings and looking rather confused, but being way out of their league in this undercover business and having just been flummoxed by Tracy and Dinah in previous scenes, they can't quite figure what this eccentric family is up to.
~ George appearing to be more than a little displeased and unsure of his betrothed's curious actions. He wants so badly to have the storybook wedding, to be "in" with the elite and grand family, repleat with the perfect bride, he looks thoroughly rankled that she is pulling some kind of funny business and spoiling his "perfect wedding" plans.
~ Dexter enjoying it all, very amused by the situation and genuinely happy to see his ex-father-in-law with whom, I presume, he enjoyed a good relationship.
~ ...and best for last, Margaret, Mrs. Lord, clearly way out of her element and trying feebly to adapt on the fly to these wild curve balls Tracy is pitching, which culminates in the crowning "piece of resistance", just as everyone has gone into the dining room, she turns and gives this sheepish and embarrassed look back at Seth by way of being both happy to see him and at the same time, apologetic for being caught in this kooky ploy! Her reaction is just priceless!!
If you're watching the film on video, it's definitely worth pausing and watching this bit again, once or twice, maybe in slow-motion, to catch what each and everyone is doing!
All in all, a very nice bit of comic business, in one big group shot, with only a couple of words spoken in the space of just a few seconds! Very nicely done! Kudos to cast and director!