MovieChat Forums > The Mortal Storm (1940) Discussion > Historical Inaccuracies...

Historical Inaccuracies...

...or Hollywoodized?

It looks like some known facts need to be put out here, because in watching this movie some people have missed more than a few points.

This movie was based on a 1938 book by an Englishwoman, Phyllis Bottome, so it can’t be said that Hollywood ‘created’ it.

The two oldest sons of Prof. Viktor Roth, Otto von Rohn and Erich von Rohn, are identified at the beginning of this movie as his “STEP-SONS”. This occurred during breakfast when they each brought their “STEP-FATHER” a book, and presented them to him as birthday gifts. A very big deal was made by Viktor Roth when the gifts were presented, by him saying how glad his sons both loved him and “even though they were his step-sons” he had always thought of them as his own sons. The date, right then, was January 30, 1933, and is the exact same date that Adolf Hitler was appointed Chancellor. Now stop for a minute and go back and re-read the “STEP-SONS” names. If read too quickly, “Roth” and “Rohn” do look very similar. As a note, the daughters and youngest son’s names are: Freya Roth and Rudi Roth, respectively. In 1940 society it is immediately assumed that those two are Viktor Roth’s legitimate offspring.

Was anyone going to be safe from persecution by fleeing to Austria at that time? Yes, because, even though this movie was filmed in 1940 (Austria was under Nazi control by then) it took place entirely within 1933. A vivid example of this timeframe occurs when Amelie Roth visits Viktor at the concentration camp. I paused the playback just so I could read everything that was on the Prisoner Identification card held by the desk sergeant. It read: Name: Roth, Viktor, Born: January 30, 1873, Profession: Professor of Physiology, (and here’s an important one) Entered Camp: August 29, 1933, and it was stamped: Dept. is not interested in release of this prisoner.

We are so far away from the events that took place both here in America and Germany during those years. Finding someone who can give first-hand knowledge is now almost impossible, because they would have to be about 90 years old. Wait; before you criticize my math, I said “first-hand” knowledge, as in, someone that was old enough at the time to understand what was actually happening. Rudi Roth, at 15 didn’t understand what was happening. The rest of the family hid his father’s incarceration from him, and notice how proudly he sat at the dinner table to say that in school they were being taught the ways of the “new” Germany. And poor Rudi (if he wasn’t one yet, he soon would be), was of the age to be a “Hitler Youth.” Before Hitler was given dictatorial powers in the March, 1933 emergency elections, the Hitler youth only numbered around one hundred thousand. Afterwards, all youth organizations were forced to become Hitler Youth, such as “The Reich’s Committee of German Youth Association” of which its entire six million members were placed under the authority of the Hitler youth.

Since it’s almost impossible to get any first-hand accounts today, and since going to the library to get valid information isn’t likely to happen, please be careful of the “facts” you pluck off the internet. Always consider the source. There are webpages out there that say the holocaust didn’t happen and ones that say Hitler and Elvis are alive and well in Argentina.

The Few, But Proud, Then And Now


I must admit to being totally dismayed by the comments in the initial post by "nammage", titled "Lost in Propaganda".

Aside from his many errors, correctly pointed out by others here, I must say that I was simply floored when I read "nammage"'s comment:

"I feel that there's no doubt that this movie was strictly, though based on a book (poorly I feel - tho I haven't read the book but I am sure it's quite different)"

He hadn't read the book?

...but was sure it was quite different?

I can see that there is something "lost in prapaganda" --

...however, I don't think it's the film!



Holy Cow! this is a VERY good movie about how the Nazis effected a family and tore it apart- how friendship was murdered and how seemingly good people can blind themselves into committing such heinous crimes.

The dates in the movie matter not- it is the PEOPLE that matter.

Great movie on all levels!!


I agree- this is nitpicking.


I'm glad to see you agree :)

I was just watching "Inn of the Sixth Happiness" and while I am aware of the many inaccuracies, they matter not to the movie- the movie is wonderfully enjoyable- as is "The Mortal Storm."
In a way, I think the way TMS brings it down to a more personal level is something wonderful- I mean, people have difficulty comprehending 12 million- but one family is easier to understand. And that's how it all happened- one family at a time, destroyed.
Great picture with great performances!!!! :)


Any website that claims Hitler is alive in South America is clearly inaccurate and I’m glad you pointed that out but how can you claim the same about Elvis? I found a website that presents compelling evidence he is alive and singing to intergalactic audiences, in live performances, on Tralfamadorian sub-spacetube.



I find it humerous how liberals try to nit pik this movie. They preach that this film reminds them of Glen Beck, Sarah Palin and other prominent conservatives.

But I guess I understand why the typical liberal would think this:

Hitler believed in gun control
Hitler believed in nationalization of industry
Hitler believed in nationalized healthcare
Hilter believed that those well off should offer that wealth to the fatherland
Hitler believed in one source of news controlled by the government
Hilter outlawed opinion contrary to "accepted" scientific theory
Hitler marginalized, minimzed, ridiculed and at last eliminated dissent

Just like a conservative


"Hilter outlawed opinion contrary to "accepted" scientific theory "

Hilarious when conversatives throw this one out there, considering how hard they work to undermine legitimate scientific theories (which of course are rooted in FACTS and can be falsified and further tested and corrected, unlike much of what conservatives believe in, praise JAY-SUS and pass the ammo).

"Hitler believed in one source of news controlled by the government "

Considering how much of the American media landscape is dominated by foaming-at-the-mouth conservatives desperate to make everyone believe its really the libs controlling the media, this crack seems specious, to say the least.

"Hitler marginalized, minimzed, ridiculed and at last eliminated dissent "

Just like conservatives do now! Priceless!!


No doubt about it.

"Considering how much of the American media landscape is dominated by foaming-at-the-mouth conservatives desperate to make everyone believe its really the libs controlling the media, this crack seems specious, to say the least".

Accurate and priceless comment, indeed. I tip my hat to you sir, or madam!


"Considering how much of the American media landscape is dominated by foaming-at-the-mouth conservatives desperate to make everyone believe its really the libs controlling the media, this crack seems specious, to say the least".

Now, this made me laugh!
Talk about inaccuracies!!


I didn't find any german in the crew that could have been used as councelor for this movie.
An american movie in times when there was no speed information from internet, making a movie about how was life in another country that they was about to enter a war against.

Glad that IMDb put this only in Drama, not Historical.

This is the same kind of movie that Hitler used to make to demonize americans/english/etc. Or now in some anti-american countries that makes propaganda movies or shorts demonizing US.

All I ask is not to be hypocritical.
Those anti-american movies are propaganda.
This movie here is a propaganda.
Many other movies were propaganda.
Either we forget that they're propaganda and look only as movies. Or we despise them all. What can't be done is despising propaganda movies that goes against your beliefs and praise propaganda movies that goes along your beliefs.


The film is based on a book that was inspired by true events that were very much commonplace in Germany at the time...the Allies, Axis, barely even the mention of the word Jewish but certainly was more that implied by the Frank Morgan character here....It is historical facts about the Nazi movement turning family members against each other...this is a real character study perhaps shown in a 1930's melodramatic fashion but these events did happen..Where you once were a respected person of means or a civil servant one day - if you were on the "wrong"side of politics in Germany during the Hitler years you were essentially removed from general society and the rest of the rank and file citizens profited from the forfeited jobs or property...Yes its a movie but try doing some research and learn about Nazi Germany from 1933-1939 and see how the ordinary person lived in fear if they spoke out against the party..
