MovieChat Forums > The Mortal Storm (1940) Discussion > Why is this movie not more famous?

Why is this movie not more famous?

I love many old b&w movies from the 30s and 40s, but most of those I love are well known and often on TV.

I don't think I know anyone else who has seen or even knows of this movie and it is NEVER shown on TV these days. I compare it to gems like Casablanca but I reckon The Mortal Storm is even better, and it staggers me that it isn't better known or shown on TV more.

I first saw it as a teenager on TV in Australia. Very greatful to Ivan Hutchinson for screening it. I now have an NTSC version on VHS that I had to get from America. For those asking about it on DVD, seems it is or has been available but is currently out of stock:

The Mortal Storm would have to be one of my favorite five movies.


I concur... this movie should be more well known. It is definitely in my top selection of movies EVER. Great acting, great script, great music and a great story, offered at a particularly difficult time in our nation's history.


It's not shown because it's clearly a propaganda movie. Made for USA citizens support the war.

Just like many propaganda movies from Hitler's supporters aren't shown anywhere else. (Even some masterpieces like Olympia).


The definition of propaganda from Webster's:

"the spreading of ideas, information, or rumor for the purpose of helping or injuring an institution, a cause, or a person."

With that in mind, was their objective to help the view of the Austrians? Was it to injure the view of Germans or Nazis? Throughout the movie they don't even use the word "Jew" - they just say "non-Aryan" so they aren't really pro-Jewish, maybe just non-hate?

I guess these were some of the ideas they were spreading:

"I think peace is better than war."

"When man was new upon the earth, he was frightened by the dangers of the elements. He cried out, "The gods of the lightning are angry, and I must kill my fellow man to appease them!" As man grew bolder, he created shelters against the wind and the rain and made harmless the force of the lightning. But within man himself were elements strong as the wind and terrible as the lightning. And he denied the existence of these elements, because he dared not face them. The tale we are about to tell is of the mortal storm in which man finds himself today. Again he is crying, "I must kill my fellow man!" Our story asks, "How soon will man find wisdom in his heart and build a lasting shelter against his ignorant fears?"

"And I said to the man who stood at the gate of the year: “Give me a light that I may tread safely into the unknown.”
And he replied:
“Go out into the darkness and put your hand into the Hand of God. That shall be to you better than light and safer than a known way.”

"I've never prized safety, Erich, either for myself or my children. I prized courage."

I personally don't consider it propaganda to say that treating people in an inhumane way is wrong.


It is incredibly offensive to this film to compare it to Hitler's propaganda. This if you can even consider propaganda is the lowest form and least misleading. It is really just a political film that takes a side. If you consider that propaganda then it's propaganda. What propaganda film has real emotionally honest characters on the opposing side like this movie?

Olympia and this film are night and day in almost every single area. Borzage didn't change his style one bit for this film.


It's strangely not carried by Netflix...

Where's your crew?
On the 3rd planet.
There IS no 3rd planet!
Don't you think I know that?


It is without a doubt a GREAT movie!!


I've only seen this movie when it's been on TCM, but it's really a classic. It never fails to make me terrified of the totalitarianism of the Nazi state. The holocaust, the horrific treatment of all those deemed 'not Ayran' is despicable. Not to say Stalin and his murdering millions wasn't just bad, but that was later.

Those who 'poo-poo' this film as propaganda need to ask some questions about what really went on in Germany. Those who fail to learn from history are doomed to repeat it. (Sorry, I am paraphrasing.)


You make no sense at all ... propaganda is propaganda ... if two films can be considered propaganda they are indeed comparable.

This film is clearly intended to get the American people hyped for war. How else can you explain the really bad ending?


From the Oxford dictionary's definition of propaganda.

chiefly derogatory: Information, especially of a biased or misleading nature, used to promote or publicize a particular political cause or point of view

Like I said if you want to stretch the definition of propaganda you can certainly fit this film into it, but it's insulting to this film to do so. It's like saying The Great Dictator is propaganda. Incredibly insulting to Charlie Chaplin.

Oh and what evidence is there again that Borzage got instructions from the American gov't or anyone in power? Same goes for Chaplin.

The fact is before declaring War there were very few American films (these are actually the only two I can think of) made critical of Germany. And I don't remember a bad ending so I don't know what you are talking about. Like I said before this film is Borzage through and through. He didn't change his style or themes one iota.


Stretch ... are you nuts?

"used to promote or publicize a particular political cause or point of view"

And using that definition your Great Dictator was certainly propaganda.

You do realize propaganda does not need to be state sponsored ... and thus nobody officially needed to contact Chaplin or Borzage

And yes this film had a horribly over-dramatic ending.


To answer the original question, see the year of the movie, 1940. It was before Pearl Harbor or the USA's involvement. At that time Germany was Hollywood's 2nd biggest market. So Hollywood wasn't crazy about this effort. Thus the limited recognition and TOTAL snub at the Oscars.

And later, to promote TMS or glorify it, would accentuate HW's previously shady position.

This probably is the very best movie people have never heard of. It's better and more compelling with every viewing; the sign of the best films (in my opinion). I think I've seen it four times.

And it shows that Frank Borzage, who also won two of the first five Oscars for direction, is probably the most underrated director.


I just saw it, very riveting.
