UAF-Nanooks says > Today is the first time I've seen this movie and I'm getting chills to how relevant it is to this years election. I am actually afraid for America. Those who do not know history are destined to repeat it.
Your comments were written just days after the election so I have to assume you were still experiencing feelings of shock and disappointment. That, obviously, clouded your judgment.
I just saw the movie for the first time yesterday. What I saw was entirely different. Granted I am a Trump supporter. I voted for him and was overjoyed that he won so I have my own biases but I can be objective too.
1. That immediate and mindless following of Hitler by the youth reminded me of Obama's supporters. After he was elected there was a lot of that going on. Even today, it's not tolerated for anyone to say anything against him or his policies. That racist word is thrown around as a defense.
2. The intolerance hasn't come from the bulk of Trump supporters. I admit there are a few nuts who may have behaved badly but as we now know a lot of the reported incidents of harassment and crime were actually perpetrated by non-Trump supporters in an attempt to make us look bad.
3. As the Nazis abandoned their long time friendships and familial relationships, so too have a lot of non-Trump supporters refused to associate with Trump supporters. It's not the other way around. There have been some real shifts in families; broken relationships; divorces, etc.
4. The people out protesting, rioting and burning people in effigy were not Trump supporters but Hillary supporters or non-Trump people. Many of us have had to celebrate in private because anyone publicly supporting Trump has been the victim of attacks and boycotts including his own daughter. The Nazi students boycotted Professor Roth's class in protest of his views and his refusal to toe the party line. Other people are fearful of associating with Trump publicly in any way; like performing at the inauguration, dressing his wife, etc. because they fear the backlash they know they will face by the vindictive Left.
5. Hitler hated the Jews because he was jealous of their success. He blamed them for Germany's problems. That's straight out of the Democrat/Liberal playbook. They always try to create race and class problems between groups to keep them apart. Oddly, success is frowned upon and we're constantly told it's the rich who are to blame when really it's the disastrous policies of the Left.
6. Hillary supporters are the ones who insist on seeing things only their way. In the movie the Nazis persecute Professor Roth because he dared to go against Nazi widely held beliefs. It reminded me of climate change advocates who refuse to consider any opinion other than their own. The Hillary supporters also keep bringing up how many popular votes she 'won' even though it has nothing to do with how we elect Presidents in this country. They completely ignore the fact Trump won more states and had a significant Electoral College win. Delusional would describe their way of thinking.
7. By their own admission, Hillary supporters were fearful and uneasy. That describes the Nazi mentality. The Nazis were in fear of alternate viewpoints and did anything to silence their opponents. The only thing they had against Freya, her father and Martin was their refusal to embrace and follow the Nazi ideology. Did any of them deserve death for their 'crimes'?
8. The Nazis murdered millions of Jews and others they felt were undesirable. They wanted a pure race. This has nothing to do with Trump or his supporters. Trump simply wants to enforce the laws that already exist. He wants to do a better job preventing people from coming into the country who seek to break our laws and harm Americans. He wants to remove those who have shown by their actions that they do not respect our laws. No one is attempting to wipe out groups of people. That only exists in the sick minds of those who will do just about anything to demonize the person they did not want to win.
9. I saved the best for last. All the people claiming to be in fear and worrying about Trump being another Hitler don't really believe it themselves. That's obvious because he is now the President-Elect and that hasn't stopped any of you from publicly and loudly voicing your disapproval. That would not be tolerated under Hitler and you know it. It's time to stop playing games and just admit all this so-called fear and concern about Trump's win is just sour grapes.
Things did not turn out the way you wanted and you're upset. I get it but it's gone too far and gone on too long. I know how it feels, I wasn't happy when Obama was elected and I would have been upset if Hillary won but I wouldn't have carried on the way the other side has; most of us would not have. You've had your tantrums now move on.
There's no real fear, it's simply histrionics. Every time I saw someone out protesting and claiming to be in fear I laughed. Let's be honest, the Nazis would have taken swift action to shut them up and ship them off to detention camps or worse. People who are actually in fear, go into hiding and/or attempt to leave the country like Professor Werner in the movie. If they truly believe they're in danger or the country is going off the rails, they do not demand to stay.
Woman, man! That's the way it should be Tarzan. [Tarzan and his mate]