yea or nay

did anyone else like this movie... I know I did,, so that's one for yes.
are you going to bark all day little doggie,, or are you going to bite



It was okay, karloff makes it worth seeing.


I thought it was pretty interesting. A very short movie as well so it never drags on. Boris Karloff is always great in everything he stars in.


spot on. i liked it, and you're right, karloff is always great. notice if you're familiar with the twilight zone that the kids messing around the scientist's house looks exactly like the kids from the twilight zone episode "the incredible world of horace ford", a horror that starts off with good old circus music, tent, and paintings, my goodness. also notice there is nearly not one fella in this flick not wearing a hat. to me this looks more like a 1950s movie, it had fairly good picture and sound quality as well, good editing. i can't believe this was only nine years after "frankenstein", karloff looks like such a much older fella here it's hard to figure he was still around making movies in the 1960s when the other famous classic movie monster bela lugosi were long gone, speaking of lugosi, this plot is quite similar to "brooklyn boys" aka "belo lugosi meets a brooklyn gorilla" (1952), though while that movie is just goofing around, this can be moving at times, there's more to karloff than just frankenstein's monster, he delivers the dialogue so well, notice about 50 minutes in it sounds like he uses the s (aka crap) word. - "let me shoot 'em once, sheriff" - "nah. once enough.", can you imagine the kind of violence in a modern movie? man they made that gorilla look big, it gives a heavy "king kong" vibe, and look at the incredibly small tie on one of the players as they are gathering men.

🐵 🙈 🙉 🙊 🐒 🎪 🍌 🦍

shut out from world,
barrier everywhere i turn,
not a friendly hello,
wind and sky only company i know,
people threw me out,
of my own home town,
and i no longer recognise this spot,
years of changing while in past i got left alone stuck,
dont know what ive done,
to receive get this hostility from everyone.
