David Niven
I'm surprised to find that nobody seems to have mentioned anything about David Niven in this movie. I agree with most of the posts about Geraldine Fitzgerald . . . I think she is the real tragedy in this movie and she was absolutely great in the part. But about five years ago I told my older brother that I believed David Niven should have won an Oscar for best supporting actor in this movie. I don't think my brother is a fan of WH, but he said something like "Well, you could expect anything David Niven is in to be good". I'm a David Niven fan, I like him, but he was so effective in this part that I COULDN'T STAND HIM in this movie. One of my favorite scenes was when Cathy, in one of the moments when she is turned off on him, says "I can't stand your soft, white hands touching me". I thought "Oh, good, Cathy!" If Niven had over-played the part, I don't think it would have worked. But even knowing that in reality he was probably more of a rogue than Olivier was and the fact that I'm one of his fans, didn't change my perception of "Edgar" in this movie.