**Males** hidden in this female-only production?
"The Women" is known as a movie as
an all-female production:
only actresses, female animals,
female art, etc.
There are at least two possible exceptions.
(Given Cukor's thoroughness,
I prefer to think that he inserted these
exceptions deliberately--possibly as jokes?)
One of these exceptions (as someone else has spied),
(seen at 47:43 minutes)
is a cardboad bull during the fashion show.
(I think that)
***another man's*** (ancestor's?) portrait is seen in
Mary's sitting room.
It can be seen at the stage-right rear wall,
at least twice:
(seen at 17:54 minutes)
as Mary says, "Break it up girls, break it up!"
(seen at 20:19 minutes)
as Mary is on the phone with Stephen.
Yup, deliciously so!