Answer re Sylvia's scars
I couldn't find the thread where a poster asked why Sylvia alluded to scars when she was in exercise class.
I have a copy of the play (the Samuel French edition). Interestingly, Phyllis Povah, who plays Edith Potter in the film, originated that role in the play's production on Broadway as well - all 666 performances.
Anyhow, as the play opens and the writer describes the character, (they're playing bridge in Mary's Park Avenue apartment), Mary actually has two children: Little Mary, who's 11 and a son who's 5 or 6. And Sylvia alludes to having had "children" and a page later mentions to Edith (who only has 4 children plus one on the way in the play) that even though she had a Cesarean, she has still kept her figure.
And the line about Nancy as a "frozen asset" actually reads "...I'm what nature abhors - a virgin - a frozen asset..." At that time the Hays Office would never have let them use a reference to virginity.
English MA: Symbolism/my life. Truth vs the world - Boudicca of the Iceni