MovieChat Forums > The Women (1939) Discussion > Questions for Die Hard Fans

Questions for Die Hard Fans

So nice to see that I am not the only one who has watched this classic film thousands of times! It's my all time favorite....

My questions are these:

1. Who is Mrs. Wagstaff (where does she appear in the film)? She is played by Margaret Dumont (of Marx Bros. film fame)...and I can't spot her....

2. What is it that Mary says when she is complemented on her weight loss/exercise (at the country house luncheon)? It sounds like "Oh, just a little trick I learned from the count!" ??????

3. Have any of you ever adapted anything from The Women into your lives? I copied the towel bar with the towel shelf just above it from the powder room at the Haines' country house. I always needed a place for lots of extra guest towels and when I showed my husband that part of the movie, we decided it would be a great solution...and it is!

Gotta run....although I own it on DVD, it is on TCM right now, and a viewing is required!


Just saying hello to another fan. I too own this movie on DVD and I'm watching it on TCM right now!

This movie is a gem. Happy watching.

Moonlight Against All Odds


I only have the answer to the second question.

Mary is asked by Sylvia how she can diet and look so contented, to which she replies: "Oh, it's a little trick I picked up from the cows."


Yep, skridge is right - like those "contented cows" from Carnation Milk (I think that was their slogan).

Shearer has a lot of tossaway lines like that - you have to watch the movie several times to catch them.

"...truth against the world..." - attributed to Boudicca of the Iceni


answer to question 3: Whenever I cry, I go into the bathroom and cry into the light switch little "Little Mary" did in her "Why Daddy dear, why Mother Darling?" scene.
Sorry I had to say it

nice socks, man.....



Can I get a case of "Jungle Red" too?

"Did you drop our precious camera in the water, Grandma!?" Little Mary
nice socks, man.....



I don't know if this counts as incorporating "The Women" into my life, but because of Roz Russell I know say the word "really" exactly like she does in this one scene. When they are waiting for Mary to come down to lunch, Nancy is talking about how Mary's a woman, and Sylvia asks what she and Edith are, to which Nancy replies "females." Edith sort of chuckles and Sylvia says "really" in this weird way... I don't know, just go watch the movie and listen to it haha. That's how I say "really" now and it always gets me weird looks.

"Just close your eyes...but keep your mind wide open."


Mrs. Wagstaff is probably one of the women who is either in the spa or in the powder room of the Casino Roof nightclub.

Mary mentions that she is content with her life and when asked how she achieved that she says "oh something I learned from the cows." It's a reference to "Contented cows" and I think Bordens Dairy or Carnation canned milk used that kind of slogan - "milk from contented cows."

I adore this film - the ultimate original chick flick. Imagine Cukor harnessing such fillies as Goddard, Shearer, Russell, Fontaine and Crawford! Amazing. I could watch it 5,000 times and never be bored.

I do not want to see the upcoming remake. I think that because Luce wrote her play in the 1930's the material is dated and you need to keep the mentality and social mores of that time in mind - a lot of it today would be called inappropriate and the subtleties would not play well.

Another remake was attempted over 40 years ago and called "The Opposite Sex" and to me is barely watchable.

When I watch it now, I watch it with subtitles - helps quite a bit.

"...truth against the world..." - attributed to Boudicca of the Iceni


I use every bit of dialogue from "The Women" in my everyday life.

I LOVE this movie with a passion.


Sorry I thought they had a question for "Die Hard" fans! LOL!



I too like to lighten up any dull day with a bit of 'Women' quoting! But the one I like to use the most is whenever I am calling someone and they answer very promptly, I use Paulette's 'Great Guns, you must live for the phone'!

Kiss Prudence



Or Florence Nash's line to Slyvia:
" Great guns, what are you made up for? The seeing eye?"


Sylvia Fowler's quick-witted rejoinders and snarky remarks are what I incorporated in my life.

A perfect example at a party:

Guest: Are you going to sing for us?
Host: You'll have to pay me to sing.
Guest: Do you take Master Card?
Me: He'll take food stamps!


Loved Sylvia's line when she's in Crystal's bathroom toward the end of the movie: "Oh I used this cream, brought out a rash!"


Who is Mrs. Wagstaff (where does she appear in the film)? She is played by Margaret Dumont (of Marx Bros. film fame)...and I can't spot her....
Her scenes were deleted.
