Cavalry Charge

What was the Bugler blowing and why was he not blowing "Charge", I think what they were blowing was "To Arms".
Why not the classic "CHARGE!"?


I believe the cavalry bugler was blowing "Disperse"

It's the call made for troopers to disperse and form into a skirmish line. More calls here:


Thank you, I missed this post when you made it.


I think that John Ford wanted the viewer to hear the bugle call and recognize that the cavalry - just in case you did not already catch your own spelling error, cavalry is mounted soldiers, calvary is the place where Christ was crucified, and calvery is not a recognized word in English - was coming. However, he wanted to avoid the overly obvious notes of the "charge."

The best diplomat I know is a fully charged phaser bank.


Thanks for spending more time on correcting my spelling than answering the question.


You're welcome. If your friends won't tell you about your mistakes, who will?

The best diplomat I know is a fully charged phaser bank.
