MovieChat Forums > Stagecoach (1939) Discussion > For those who like it ....

For those who like it ....

Please try a new perspective:

Imagine a stagecoach full of Aryan Nazi party members attacked by (quite stupid) Jews on horses and being rescued by the brave SS.

If you still like this movie, you are quite good at ignoring US history.


PS: I know, it is only a movie - but a movie reflects attitudes and opinions of the time it was made. If you still identify with that, you have learned nothing.


Your post is merely a demonstration of your hyper-reactionary yet belated and subsequently moot buffoonery.


You have to remember it was made in 1939


Try this for a new perspective.

Some Native American tribes like the Comanche and Apache robbed, raped and killed innocents long before the white man ever came along.

Your post is BS.


Oh sorry - of course you are right. That completely justifies depicting them as complete morons and slaughtering them.

My apologies for my inconsiderate statement and your considerate reply, especially "Your post is BS." - it shows a refined intellect and impeccable social competence.


Nice try to make yourself seem like you're clever and like you said nothing that was BS.

You have the audacity to compare the Jewish people with the Apache and I'm in the wrong? That's hilarious.

During world war 2, were the jewish, rapists, robbers and killers who wanted to dominate other people?

Was every white person a Nazi who wanted to just kill, harm or dominate every Native American?

The movie simply depicts a group of white people cross Apache territory and they pursue them. Did you expect to not see killings?

Oh, and you can like the movie without ignoring US history. Ironically, you seem not to like the movie and ignore it.

Contrary to popular belief and what the PC brigade like to make out, even in schools, the wild west was grey not black and white.



Go back to your safe space then, bloody millennial.

Let's go home, Debbie.


Ignorant, reductionistic, and revisionist skew of history.

I generally dislike most westerns that include 'Indians' because of how they're portrayed. This film is an exception that gets them essentially right.

The Apache weren't warlike because Whites kicked them out; that was simply their culture. We could debate the merits of White expansion, but it's the nature of society - it expands and some get a raw deal.

But make no mistake, if the Whites who were actually involved in unhoming the Indians hadn't done it, someone else would have. The Indians had a choice: adapt or stand firm in their traditions. There would never have been the option of continuing their violent cultural ways (which pre-dated the coming of other nations to America), their land was too desirable for various reasons and other more powerful cultures were expanding.

Comparing the fate of Indians in America to Jews in the Holocaust is quite simply a laughable comparison.


But make no mistake, if the Whites who were actually involved in unhoming the Indians hadn't done it, someone else would have. The Indians had a choice: adapt or stand firm in their traditions. There would never have been the option of continuing their violent cultural ways (which pre-dated the coming of other nations to America), their land was too desirable for various reasons and other more powerful cultures were expanding.

I agree with what you say here. In my opinion, throughout history the land has always belonged to those who could hold it. An example would be that of Great Britain not being able to hold the colonies in America. They were kicked out by the Americans that could "hold the land" and still hold it to this day. How long this may continue depends on our resolve. There is always some group of people that would take our land if we should ever lose our resolve to hold it.


But make no mistake, if the Whites who were actually involved in unhoming the Indians hadn't done it, someone else would have. The Indians had a choice: adapt or stand firm in their traditions. There would never have been the option of continuing their violent cultural ways (which pre-dated the coming of other nations to America), their land was too desirable for various reasons and other more powerful cultures were expanding.

What a horrific post.

You're trying to rationalize the genocide of a group of people who were invaded, driven out of their homes, stripped of their cultural identity, and who are all but almost disappeared today. Shame on you.


Wow. You apparently can't tell the difference between historical analysis and approval.

This is how all of civilization has advanced since the dawn of history. The strong take and the weak lose. The strong are typically those who best adapt to the times. Here's the thing: Life isn't fair. There are no safe spaces in real life. And unless you believe in some sort of objective standard, you have zero basis for condemning either side.

I nowhere said that this was right. In fact, I specifically said that while this has always been the trend in history, some have gotten a raw deal.

Having said that, the situation in this country was a bit more nuanced. The concept of owned land was viewed in a markedly different way between the whites and the natives. Also, the culture of the natives was (for most) by nature war-like - either with whites or other natives - which led to more hostility than their might perhaps have been otherwise, but who can say. Again, that's not to make a moral judgment on either side, simply to make an observation.

Sorry you were offended by what I said, but I would submit that your problem is not actually with what I said. Your problem is that you misunderstood what I said and/or don't have any depth to how you look at history. Either way, I can't really help you.


kbarada replied Aug 8, 2016
"But make no mistake, if the Whites who were actually involved in unhoming the Indians hadn't done it, someone else would have. The Indians had a choice: adapt or stand firm in their traditions. There would never have been the option of continuing their violent cultural ways (which pre-dated the coming of other nations to America), their land was too desirable for various reasons and other more powerful cultures were expanding."

What an excellent post!
It's the Indians land because they SAY it is? People, Commerce and Modern Jurisprudence were expanding through the Western Territories. Indians tried to stop it with the kind of Gangland violence and ferocity the feint of heart can never imagine.
Comanches, especially perfected TORTURE as integral to their CULTURE.
They refused to adapt to the changing American landscape and THAT lead to their eventual undoing, just as it has for every culture who cannot and will not acknowledge inevitable progress.
Time waits for no marches on!

"We in it shall be remembered;
We few, We Happy few,
We Band of Brothers" ~ W.S.


Tried your "new perspective." Still like the film. Sorry.
