Why the hell did Hatfield want to kill the woman (Ms. Mallory) all of a sudden? Makes no sense and the film never even tried to explain it. Also, one minute Hatfield is standing guard and the next he's suddenly in the stagecoach again, crossing the stream? Yeah, a lot of technical flaws here... Also, why the hell would Gatewood show up to a town where he's wanted (even if the telegraph lines are down--they'd be repaired eventually. DUH)? So stupid.
Actually, it WASN'T just a "grotesque honor thing," it was a REAL issue that occurred quite a lot during Indian raids, and if you pay close attention to Hatfield's "discovery" while going on guard duty (the corpse of a young woman - complete with torn, disheveled clothing), you would understand just a part of why he felt the need to end Mrs. Mallory's life.
The other issue was that he had served under the command of her father in the Civil War, and she had guessed correctly that he was, in fact, the disgraced son of a local judge from her home state of Virginia. In fact, as he was dying, he was trying give her a message to relay to his father.
Also, why the hell would Gatewood show up to a town where he's wanted (even if the telegraph lines are down--they'd be repaired eventually. DUH)? So stupid.
I guess you missed the part where Gatewood fled with the money with the intent of eventually being far enough away to begin his new life with his ill-gotten gains? Which is why he boarded a stagecoach in the first place? And why he was always edgy and trying to persuade everyone to keep moving, because of course he wanted to be out of the bounds of the jurisdiction from which he committed his theft?
And your inability to comprehend Hatfield's motivation for trying to kill Mrs. Mallory is mystifying and, let's face it, as naive as any eight year old kid posing the same question to his parents about that same scene. Or what would YOU do in that situation, knowing full well what the enemy would do to your wife and daughters once you were already dead and no longer able to protect your family?
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Vinidici, I believe your first post was spot on. Take a look at MovieMuscle's profile. He says he is quite the film buff. For this guy to post an obvious put-down of a fine John Ford movie using such language as "Why the hell" and "stupid" tells me he's no movie buff at all but just a buffoon.
You have no reason to be apologetic. If he is the "huge movie buff" he says he is, he should be able to understand what was happening in Stagecoach.
thank you, kbarada! I'm not normally ham-fisted with my responses to posts and comments that don't conform to the popular consensus. I had forgotten that the OP said some pretty off-putting things himself which provoked me to "call 'em as I see 'em" with the OP, however, and thus let myself get brow-beaten by McKealty.
McKealty, I'm obviously no paragon of perfection and I'd even admit to having made my share of bad reactions to posters who've rubbed me the wrong way; but now, how about "spreading the love" and directing some of your verbal chastisement toward the OP?
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